Artist's Statement

I invite viewers to eavesdrop on the conversations between and among the archival digital prints and their paper collage ancestors. Whether composing by hand or, currently, by means of the computer, I regard myself as a chef who cooks with whatever is at hand - left-overs, essentially. This practice has been common throughout the history of music (“sampling” is a recent manifestation), and arose within the plastic arts with the advent of collage during the early years of the last century. I endeavor to bring elements of disparate provenance together so that they interact to form new worlds. Each fragment is an actor who auditions for a role in a play that is being improvised during the tryout. No attempt has been made to disguise my love of the ancient art of Italy - from Magna Graecia to il Quattrocento. Viewers may also notice Asian influences. Ultimately, my concerns are with the poetics of color, form, light and space. Each viewer (myself included) is invited to create a narrative - once the image has been composed and presented to the world...

LS 1. 18. 2008

Artist's Statement